取り合えず、エクセルのvisual basicのコードを・・
Public Function insCallendar(ByVal query As String) Dim objXMLHttp As Object Set objXMLHttp = CreateObject("MSXML2.XMLHTTP") objXMLHttp.Open "POST", "https://ドメイン/hoge.php", False objXMLHttp.setRequestHeader "Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" Dim postData As String postData = query objXMLHttp.Send (postData) End Function
Option Explicit Const c_row = 5 Const c_col = 13 Const c_days = 30 Const c_times = (25 - 6) * 4 Private Sub Workbook_BeforeSave(ByVal SaveAsUI As Boolean, Cancel As Boolean) Dim gc_flg As String gc_flg = Worksheets(1).Cells(1, 7).Value If (gc_flg = "1") Then Dim calendar_id As String Dim calendar_title As String calendar_id = Worksheets(1).Cells(2, 7).Value calendar_title = Worksheets(1).Cells(3, 7).Value Dim i, n, yms As Long Dim re As New RegExp re.Global = True re.Pattern = "^(\d+)$" n = 0 Dim sheets As Object Set sheets = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary") For i = 1 To Worksheets.Count If (Worksheets(i).Name = "マスタ") Then Else If (re.test(Worksheets(i).Name)) Then If (Worksheets(i).Name >= Format(DateSerial(Year(Date), Month(Date) - 1, 1), "yyyymm")) Then Dim s As String s = Worksheets(i).Name sheets.Add n, s n = n + 1 Else End If End If End If Next Dim row As Long Dim col As Long Dim obj_time As Object Dim day As String Dim remark As String Dim tmp_f As String Dim tmp_t As String Dim flg As Boolean Dim end_flg As Boolean Dim query As String Dim min_d, max_d As String min_d = "" max_d = "" query = "calendar_id=" & calendar_id query = query & "&calendar_title=" & calendar_title Dim ym As String ym = Format(Date, "yyyymm") Dim test As Object For yms = 0 To sheets.Count If (sheets(yms) <> "") Then For row = c_row To (c_row + c_days) day = Worksheets(sheets(yms)).Cells(row, 1).Value If (day <> "") Then If (day < min_d Or min_d = "") Then min_d = day ' 対象のシートで一番古い日付を取得 End If If (day > max_d) Then max_d = day ' 対象のシートで一番新しい日付を取得 End If remark = Worksheets(sheets(yms)).Cells(row, 3).Value tmp_f = "" tmp_t = "" flg = False end_flg = False For col = c_col To (c_col + c_times - 1) Dim tmp_h As Integer tmp_h = ((col - c_col) \ 4) If (tmp_f = "" And flg = False And Worksheets(sheets(yms)).Cells(row, col).Value = 1) Then If (((col - c_col) Mod 4) = 0) Then tmp_f = (tmp_h + 6) & ":00" Else tmp_f = (tmp_h + 6) & ":" & ((col - c_col) Mod 4) * 15 End If flg = True ElseIf (tmp_f <> "" And flg = True And Worksheets(sheets(yms)).Cells(row, col).Value = 1) Then If ((((col - c_col) Mod 4) * 15 + 15) = 60) Then tmp_t = (tmp_h + 6 + 1) & ":00" Else tmp_t = (tmp_h + 6) & ":" & (((col - c_col) Mod 4) * 15 + 15) End If flg = True ElseIf (flg = True & Worksheets(sheets(yms)).Cells(row, col).Value = "") Then end_flg = True Else End If Next col If (tmp_f <> "" And tmp_t <> "") Then If (query <> "") Then query = query & "&" Else End If query = query & _ "day[" & day & "]=" & day & _ "&day[" & day & "][remark]=" & remark & _ "&day[" & day & "][f]=" & tmp_f & _ "&day[" & day & "][t]=" & tmp_t End If End If Next row End If Next yms If (query <> "") Then query = query & "&min_d=" & min_d & "&max_d=" & max_d Else End If insCallendar (query) End If End Sub